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Sunday, July 24, 2011

2nd Visit To Streats Hong Kong Cafe For Dinner :)

woke up early,
prepare and went to cemetery,
went to see Daddy...
It's been 1 years plus since we went there,
and the tomb grew alot of grasses...
Bro and Nasri do the job while I stand there holding on flower...
After they finish clearing the grasses,
I place the flower...
Had a talk with Daddy...
Nek Nek's maid say prayers,
and after prayers off we go...
Still remember how Daddy dote on me,
he loves me like how I love him...
It had been 13 years since he left us,
I miss him...
Daddy let us dream of you ok...

Back hone,
watch tv and eat some kueh...
Went to take a nap...
Super nice to sleep, woke up at 4pm...
Shermin came and we went Popular together...
Get material for N-Train stuffs...
After that prepare and went to meet grandma...
We going to Streats Hong Kong Cafe...
Mummy was there waiting for us...
It was brother treat again :)
Of cos took photos of the yummy food...

Our Drinks...
This time I tried Ice Milk Tea...

Main Dish...

Side Dish...

Dim Sum...

Lychee AloeWolfberry Green Tea...

The Bill...

all of us were super duper full,
full till I didn't ordered dessert...
After dinner Nasri, Shermin and Timothy went arcade,
Mummy, Uncle, Grandma, Brother and I went to NTUC...
Walk around and at the Korean Section I saw Banana Milk...
So I bought it...
Last time had been looking for Korean Banana Milk but couldn't find...

Bought meiji chocolate and Purple Jagabee...
home sweet home after that...
Can't stop sneezing, I think got flu eh...
Watch Hello Baby and ate flu panadol...
Off to bed after that...

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