Click Click

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Alexander's 'BOMB' :)

Watch City Hunter on tv,
and it's not bad...
maybe will watch online...
Went to fetch Wen Jie and Wen Cong,
bought slice fish bee hoon and ice lemon tea...
On twitter, Alexander kept saying something about his bomb,
wonder what bomb is that???
Is he got girlfriend or what?
Before he went off,
he put this game on twitter for us to guess...
_ _ _ _ⓐ_ _ⓔ_ _ _②_ 
I think the answer is Alexander0729...
as I was about to sleep,
I saw tweet from @xanderettes_net,
and they got the bomb in their hands...
So I want to click on the link,
and I was super happy with the bomb,
click here:

Alexander super sexy at the front page,
when click on the fanmeeting information he super cute...
Alexander holding his 1st fan meeting in Hong Kong,
happy for him...
Now hope he will have fan meeting in Singapore...
off to bed after that...

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