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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Home whole day...
Watched N-Train M!Pick,
and went to PS to do my manicure...
I did polka dots for manicure,
and Connie did a good job in it...
I got no idea to do what for pedicure,
she intro me black shatter,
my base is pink, and when apply black shatter it will slowly crack...
it's nice ok...

My nails, polka dots :)

Black shatter aka crack nail :)

so sit there till my nails dry since I got nothing to do and was waiting for mummy to knock off...
went daiso to get lightstick for tomorrow, Korean Music Wave..
saw binoculars so I bought it too, incase need it... keke
went to meet mummy after that...
dinner and NTUC...
home sweet home...
watch tv and off to bed early,
Korean Music Wave is tomorrow so must pretty pretty... keke
Nights World...

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